How to Mine Wakacoin on Your Browser?

Do you know what does "browser mining" mean?

It literally means that you can mine cryptocurrencies while browsing the website. Simply to say, you use your computer CPU to mine crypto when surf the Internet.

If you want to get Wakacoin through website mining, the first step is to visit and register an account, then keep it logged in while browsing its official site or other sites with Wakacoin embed code banner.

There are two mining methods below:

1. Use Multiple desktops of Windows 10 to mine

2. Open a new window of Chrome for mining

If your OS version is under Win10 or you don't use the Windows system, you can skip the first method and read the second one directly.

Just leave me a comment below, if you have any mining tips to share with me.


  1. make sure to turn off adblocking! adblocking software will stop the wakacoin embed code from running.


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